Filler treatment for youthful effects

Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic - Fillers
Improve volume and wrinkles without surgery! Youthful effect filler treatment

1. What are fillers?
Fillers refer to a variety of materials composed of natural or synthetic ingredients that can enhance the skin tissues and structures. Wrinkles can be improved and volume can be added to recessed areas. Treatments require no incisions and involve a simple injection. Applicable areas are forehead wrinkles, the glabella, eye area, love bands, nose, recessed cheeks, lips, and etc to provide youthful effects.

Filler advantages 
1) No downtime after treatment.
2) Short procedure only takes 5~10 minutes.
3) Virtually no worries about scars.

Commonly confused - The differences between fillers and Botox

Fillers are used to 'fill' recessed or desired areas with volume. Adding volume can add definition to your features and is appropriate for smile line wrinkles, nose, jaw, love bands, and etc. improvements.

Botox or botulinum toxin is a toxin in which a safe amount is injected into the muscles to immobilize them so that wrinkles do not form. It is appropriate for treating forehead wrinkles, eye wrinkles (crow's feet), as well as being effective for treating square jaws to make a V line effect.

2. Filler applicable areas 

- Forehead wrinkles : If you appear older due to forehead wrinkles, fillers can be used to remove wrinkles and make you look more youthful.

- Glabella, eye wrinkles : Wrinkles on your glabella and eye areas can chance your facial impression.

- Love bands : Adding love bands with fillers can give you a cute and younger appearance.

- Sunken cheeks : Fillers can add volume to improve wrinkles.

- Lips : Thin lips can become more attractive by adding volume with fillers.

3. Filler treatment process 

You should make sure that the fillers used are safety approved

Filler precautions 

01. Precautions for before fillers
- If you have an existing medical condition, inform the consultant in advance.
- On treatment day, come dressed in comfortable clothing.
- It is recommended to come in with little to no makeup.

02. Precautions for after fillers
- Apply cold packs right after treatment to reduce swelling.
- Avoid saunas and bathhouses for at least 1 week after treatment.
- Depending on skin condition, edema can form. If this happens, get a prescription for your doctor.
- Avoid touching the treatment area.
- Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for 2~3 days after treatment.

For treatment times, reservations, and enquiries come check out our website

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