Way to get rid of swelling! Let’s reduce swelling quickly!

Way to get rid of swelling! Let’s reduce swelling quickly!

"Do you know how to get rid of swelling?"

Have you all experienced swollen body and face due to hangover or Ramen from yesterday? Also there are people who get swollen every morning.

If you get swollen often, like every morning, it can be accepted as an illness called ‘edema’ Edema means a status that lymph fluid and tissue’s *exudate is remaining stagnantly inside the tissue. When edema takes place in skin and soft tissue, it becomes swollen and feels rough.
(*exudate: a fluid with blood’s liquid component and cell component which was absorbed into tissues due to exudation.)

You can prevent swelling well enough, and can get rid of welling quickly by changing your life style and eating habit. Now let’s find the way and the life style that can reduce swelling quickly.

1. A way to reduce swelling! – reduce sodium intake.
Our body’s salinity level has to be kept constant all the time, thus our body requires more water to balance out when we consumes excessive sodium. If you drink water due to this reason, your body gets swollen as there are excessive amount of water you don’t need.

2. A way to reduce swelling! – Consume foods with potassium
Potassium is good for diuretic effect that excretes toxin and salt inside our body. Therefore the swelling can be reduced if foods containing potassium are consumed, such as avocado, wormwood, celery, taro, and so on.

3. A way to reduce swelling! - Consume foods with magnesium
Magnesium takes a role that excretes sodium inside our cells which helps to reduce swelling. Kelp, banana and nuts are rich in magnesium/

4. A way to reduce swelling! – reduce the consumption of foods with carbohydrate. Carbohydrate makes our body swollen as it creates gas inside our body. Thus it’s the best to reduce carbohydrate consumption, and it’s good to consume foods with high fiber such as apple and tangerine after carbohydrate was consumed.

5. A way to reduce swelling! – let’s stretch often!
We work in same posture for long time throughout the day. It’s good to make blood circulation smooth by stretching often. It’s also helpful to rest up if it is done after you wake up or before you go to sleep.
It’s especially helpful on resting up if you massage your shoulder, armpit and behind the knees that have many lymphatic glands.

6. A way to reduce swelling! – foot bath/lower body bathing
People with lower body that gets swollen a lot have to pay more attention! Many women complain that their lower body get swollen and feel heavy. Foot bath and lower body bathing is very helpful in this case. Also if you add a drop of aroma oil or vinegar when you are foot bathing, you will be able to prevent skin disease occurs on foot.

Way to get rid of swelling! Let’s reduce swelling quickly!
Way to get rid of swelling! 
beauty tip, cosmetic, cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, plastic surgery in korea
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