The physical signs of our body through the location of acne

The cause of acne is not known exactly. (Because of various possibilities)
However, there is a correlation between the health of our body and the location of acne.

Oriental medicine experts explain that when we have an abnormality in our body, it appears on our face as acne.
It may not be 100% correct information but if you have acne on your face, it's not bad to detect your health issues.
Then, let's get to know how facial acne correlates with our body.

1. Forehead

Forehead acne normally could be caused by stimulation by hair. However, digestive system could be the source of forehead acne as well.
It means that you may have problems of the bladder, large intestine and small intestine in the order of near the scalp.
If you get acne on forehead, you might need to suspect that you may have obstruction of bladder and intestine.

2. Glabella

If you have acne on glabella, then you may have food allergy or liver problems. Also, stress can be the reason of glabella acne.
Thus, it is recommended to one who have acne on glabella to restrain from excessive drinking of alcohol.

3. Nose

Acne around the nose can occur when there is an abnormality in heart and blood pressure. It can also occur if you have constipation.
Therefore, such people will benefit from avoiding spicy and salty foods that is not good for your heart and meat.

4. Cheek

Lung health issue can be suspected through acne on the cheek. Also, acne can occur when eating foods that is high in sugar and fat.

5. Chin

Chin acne tells you that you may have problems in genitalia. In particular, women often have acne on their chin before and after period.
The chin acne gets worse if the menstruation cycle is irregular and the period pains are severe.

The physical signs of our body through the location of acne
The physical signs of our body through the location of acne
Acne, Dermatological treatment, Folliculitis, Health knowledge, Dermatology, Dermatology knowledge, 
Acne, Dermatological treatment, Folliculitis, Health knowledge, Dermatology, Dermatology knowledge, 


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