Dark circle doesn’t cover with makeup. How to get rid of dark circles fast?

The dark circles, thin skin under the eye, allowing the bluish color of blood vessels to show through the skin surface, and hence giving the tired or older appearance. Dark circles also called as ‘panda eyes’ is a common complaint. Puffy eye bags due to poor circulation, causing shadows to be cast on the area below the eyes, causing the dark ring effect

The cause of dark circles is divided into two major factors: natural and nurture acquired. However, dark circle gets worst with irregular lifestyle, overwork, stress … and so on. Especially for women, it can occur when you not removed eye make ups promptly, or before and after menstruation, or when there is a problem in the kidney, liver, and lymphatic circulation.

Treatment depends on the cause, symptoms, and level of dark circles. If it is simply caused by pigmentation, it can be treated with vitamin C or laser treatment. However, if it is caused by skin sagging or fat accumulation, surgery is recommended. Surgery should be done according to each patient’s skin condition and sagging level. If your dark circle and sagging level is not that obvious, it can be corrected by under eye fat removal or repositioning surgery. If you want to improve on you’re under eye sagging skin as well, then I would recommend lower blepharoplasty.

Fat repositioning under eye bag surgery is remove the excessive fats through conjunctiva fix them after repositioning. This is very simple and quick surgery and improves both on under eyes wrinkle and dark circles which are in high demand for young people.

Lower Blepharoplasty is popular among middle-aged and elderly people also called as ‘presbyopia plastic surgery’. Lower Blepharoplasty surgery is remove excessive under eye skin and fats and pulls the sagging skin to have smoother and more youthful for your under eyes. Moreover, if you have sunken eyes or too much wrinkles on your under eyes, I would like to recommend combine with fat injection surgery.

It is important to cut not too much skin when performing lower blepharoplasty surgery. If you cut too much skin, you will have a higher risk of lower eyelid retraction and have more swelling and bruising.

Therefore, it is not advisable to remove large amounts of under eye skin and fat at once. Also, we don’t highly recommend having Lower blepharoplasty twice or more. So you have to very be careful to choose the right clinic.. It needs skills to avoid complications, such as hemorrhages or hematomas.

Under eye fat reposition or lower blepharoplasty surgery is under local anesthesia and it only takes less than an hour. Major swelling and bruising will goes down within 7-10 days depends on your condition. During this time, about 90% of swelling will goes down so it didn’t effect on your daily lives. It will helpful to take a good rest and have a cold massage to the surgical area over 3 days and sleep with raise your body 15 degrees for faster recovery.


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