Two jaw surgery, improving the functionality is the key.

Public’s interest on two jaw surgery has risen immensely due to the exposure of surgery information, now you can easily find and see the dramatic changes of before and after. Also, many celebrities proudly confess their success with two jaw surgery.

However, two jaw surgery should not be seen as simply improving aesthetic point of view. In fact, it should be approached as the functionality of jaw joint and this must be given more awareness to the public, since the focus is mostly on the dramatic changes in appearance of celebrities.

Two jaw surgery changes the overall profile and improves facial appearance to be aesthetically more beautiful, however, the actual purpose of the surgery is to correct both upper and lower jaws, and resolve malocclusion. Thus, to improve overall functionality for individuals that has complications with using their jaw.

Asymmetry of the face, protruded mouth and depressed or sunken jaw can be improved by finding the balance between the left and the right. This surgery also helps individuals with such conditions to get over their complex and the pain they possess both physically and mentally.

Two jaw surgery provides both dramatic change of appearance visually and resolves functional aspects of malocclusion and jaw joint by pinning the upper and lower jaw in balance. Also, it is important to consider that the focus should be on the overall functionality of the jaw, not only on the aesthetic point of view.

Two jaw surgery involves fracturing and pinning of the facial bone. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a hospital where there are both plastic surgery department and orthodontic department with a full understanding of overall face structure, bone structure and soft tissues.
To conclude, in order to achieve successful results in both aesthetic and functional aspects from two jaw surgery, it is important to find the right hospital with both plastic surgery and orthodontic departments. Also, two jaw surgery often requires orthodontic correction as pre and post-surgery process, so it will be convenient to go to a hospital with two different departments under one hospital.


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